Anyone can access our services, by just contacting us either by telephone, fax, e-mail or in writing. Referrals for services will be recorded and information taken by our office staff.
A referral can be made by anybody, the potential service user, family or an advocate, health care professional or a social worker on their behalf. When a referral is received (from which ever source) we will then make contact with you or a person of your choice to arrange an appropriate date and time for us to make a `Home Visit` for the purpose of doing a `Support Plan Assessment`
A senior member of Crystal Lemon Care will then arrange to visit and assess to ensure we can meet the needs and outcomes and to discuss the service delivery pattern and costs of the service. We can then agree what services will be appropriate to provide and the individual is furnished with the appropriate information along with the terms and conditions that apply so that an informed decision can be made.
A `Home Visit` is the process whereby a senior staff member meets with you personally to discuss your needs and wishes and to collate information to produce a fully personalised support plan which will detail the requirements in order to reach a user focused outcome for the delivery of the service. The support plan is essential to your care which you should be involved in completing. It is designed to reflect the support you need, your wishes choices individual goals and aspirations.
It is a written document which informs instructs and gives guidance to workers on the tasks to be performed and how to do them safely; to meet your individual needs and to comply with Health & Safety Legislation. The support plan is totally individual to you will be reviewed and updated to ensure quality standards and outcomes are being delivered.